Dungeons & Dragons
For ages 12-18, the classic fantasy storytelling game. Join us on Tuesdays from 3.30-5.00pm. Bring D&D dice if you have them!
Fibre Artists
On Wednesdays we host the Fibre Artists' group: come knit, sew or crochet with us! Beginners welcome. Online option available for anyone who would like to join us that way […]
German Conversation Club
Join us on Wednesday mornings for a fun German language conversational class with Lilly. New time: 11.30am-1pm. All levels and abilities welcome, from beginners to advanced. For further details, call […]
Sunshine Stories
An early literacy program for children ages 0-5 and caregivers. Songs, rhymes, stories and fun! In partnership with Decoda Literacy.
Learning with Syeyutsus
An Indigenous learning series featuring Canadian authors and thought leaders. 12-1 pm To register for these free, virtual speaker events visit: trc57speakerseries.ca
“Books and Banter”
A read aloud readers group for adults. Please join us for lighthearted stories, read aloud, that you’ll be sure to enjoy! Refreshments served.
Writing Group
McBride & District Public Library 521 Main Street, McBride, BC, CanadaOur Writing Group for adults meets every Friday afternoon. We tend to chat for the first 30 minutes about what we are working on, then we sit silently for an […]
Games Galore
Come together and play board games, drama games, and card games. Some are creative, some are cooperative, some are competitive. Learn strategies to win and practice being gracious when you […]
Dungeons & Dragons
For ages 12-18, the classic fantasy storytelling game. Join us on Tuesdays from 3.30-5.00pm. Bring D&D dice if you have them!
Fibre Artists
On Wednesdays we host the Fibre Artists' group: come knit, sew or crochet with us! Beginners welcome. Online option available for anyone who would like to join us that way […]