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Public Space Usage Policy and Agreement

The McBride & District Public Library welcomes public use of its multipurpose room, computer lab, or lounge space at 521 Main Street.

The Library upholds the values outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, including intellectual freedom and free access to information. The Board, however, does not necessarily support the views of individuals and organizations using our public space. Program advertising must not imply endorsement by the Library, unless the event is sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library.

  1. Library functions have first priority in use of the facilities, but must be planned in advance.
  2. Scheduling will come on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  3. The Library is a non-smoking facility.
  4. Serving alcohol is not permitted during Library hours. A special permit may be considered for specific functions outside of normal Library hours.
  5. The facility must be left as found, with chairs and tables returned to where they were found.
  6. Set up of tables, chairs, etc. is the responsibility of the user. Please specify audio, video, or other requirements in the rental agreement, and have a designated operator take responsibility for it.
  7. Users are subject to paying the cost of any damages incurred during the function.
  8. The contract is to be signed before the date of use.
  9. If booking library space outside of library hours, a paid staff person must be in attendance. The renter, if a non-profit/charity group, will need to pay a fee of $25/hour to cover staffing costs. For-profit or business users pay a fee of $50/hour. During library hours, for-profit/businesses may book the space for $25/hour. Cheques may be made payable to the McBride & District Public Library.

To book one of our spaces, please email